Doing a regular workout program is an excellent way to boost the fat loss success that you see, and exercise should be incorporated into almost every lifestyle you can possibly lead. When you combine exercise with a good diet program, you’re always going to see better results than when you just change your eating choices. Plus, your chance of losing fat mass while maintaining your lean muscle will be far greater.

That said, when you’re in the gym, make sure that you are burning up calories as quickly as possible so that you can get ahead in terms of your overall progress. This will make the most of your time sweating it out.

Let’s go over some of the most effective techniques that you can use that will help you burn more calories in a hurry.

The Details:

  • Focus on compound movements. Choose compound exercises – those that work multiple muscle groups at once – to get a greater calorie burn and faster results.
  • Use short rest periods. Keep your rest periods to 30–60 seconds to burn more calories during the session.
  • Interval training. When doing cardio training, alternate between very intense exercise with active rest periods.
  • Circuit training. This involves doing one exercise back to back with another until 8–10 are completed. Then rest and repeat. If you don’t have much time, complete one circuit to get in an awesome, effective 10-minute workout.
  • Use heavier weights. Heavier weights will require more total force generation, which increases your calorie burning potential.
  • Add cardio intervals. In between weightlifting exercises, do cardio intervals such as skipping, running or burpees.
  • Join a boot camp class. These are excellent for boosting your total calorie burn during the workout, and they’ll work your entire body too.
  • Stay focused. The more focused you are, the more likely you are to work at a higher intensity level and burn more calories.
  • Do a full-body workout. These activities are going to best burn calories since they’ll work so many muscle groups at once.
  • Get sufficient rest. If you aren’t resting enough during the week, you won’t be able to exercise at the intensity level needed for good results. You should always have at least one day off during the week for complete rest, if not two.
  • Listen to music. Those who listen to upbeat music tend to work harder and thus burn more calories overall during their workout session.
  • Always use good form. Using good form will ensure that you work the muscles properly and burn more calories during each exercise you complete.
  • Mix it up. When you do the same exercise over and over, your body eventually becomes accustomed to it and has to do less work to complete the motion. Doing different forms of cardio will ensure that you are continually burning up calories quickly.

The Bottom Line:

So there you have the top methods that you should be incorporating into your workout plan if you hope to burn lots of calories and see faster results. Structuring your workout program properly will boost your progress far faster than simply adding more time in the gym to fit in another mediocre workout. Use these methods, and watch your progress take off.