I’m sure you’re already well aware of the dangers of leading a sedentary lifestyle and know that you should exercise to live a healthy life. So, why do you always end up failing every time you resolve to get up and workout? Well, change is hard and starting out on a new fitness routine is tough. Due to these reasons, many people give up on exercising before they even reach the goals they set out to achieve. However, once you find the right source of motivation, getting fit and sticking to your fitness plans becomes a whole lot easier. In this post we’ll be discussing how you can find that motivation by listing five highly motivational reasons for being fit that will inspire you to keep exercising.
Reason 1 – You’ll Feel Happier
It’s human nature to want to feel happy all the time. Therefore, if the other benefits of being fit don’t appeal to you, then perhaps the fact that exercising elevates your mood will give you the motivation you need to hit the gym. Numerous studies have proved that if you enter the gym feeling anxious, stressed, down or unhappy, you’ll leave there feeling happier and more relaxed. This is because as you exercise, your brain releases an increased amount of endorphins and dopamine. Both of these compounds instantly improve your mood during your workouts and keep your mood elevated for many hours after they’re completed. Therefore, if you exercise regularly, you’ll feel significantly happier, calmer and more peaceful.
Reason 2 – You’ll Look Younger
Do you want to want improve your physique and look significantly younger without spending too much money? Well, exercise is the way to go. When you exercise on a regular basis, your body loses fat and gains muscles, giving you a great physique. Exercise also rejuvenates your cells, muscles, skin and even hair. This in turn results in healthier skin, beautiful hair and reduced wrinkles, all of which contribute to you looking younger.
Reason 3 – You’ll Have More Energy
The best way to beat fatigue and low energy levels is to exercise more. Studies show that even the simplest physical act like walking a few extra steps can increase your energy levels. For this reason, people who exercise a lot usually have high energy levels. Therefore, the next time you feel tired, go for a jog or hit the gym instead of sleeping, grabbing an energy drink or drinking several mugs of coffee. You’ll find that your overall energy levels rapidly improve when you do this and you’ll feel fatigued less often.
Reason 4 – You’ll Boost Your Immunity
Numerous studies have shown that exercise strengthens your immune system. By working out regularly, your immune system becomes more efficient at producing white blood cells and your circulatory system becomes more effective at distributing these white blood cells throughout your body. As a result, your body becomes much more proficient at protecting against disease and fighting illness.
Reason 5 – You’ll Be Able To Do More Physically
One of the best motivational reasons you can find to exercise more is that it enables you to do more physically. Once you start working out regularly, you’ll be able to walk further without getting tired, lift heavy items without breaking a sweat and run faster than you ever have done before. So if you want your body to do more than it currently can physically, exercise is the perfect tool.
As you can see, the many positive results you can get from exercising are a fantastic source of motivation, regardless of where you currently are on your fitness journey. So focus on the one that fires up your fitness motivation the most and then use this to inspire you every time you workout.