Having back pain essentially makes you understand the real meaning of the word pain. Whether sleeping, sitting, standing, walking or doing any activity, back pain can deny you peace, depending on its intensity.
Physical examination, in the context referred to as physiotherapy (Physical therapy) really, helps in establishing the possible cause of the pain. The physiotherapist can ask a simple question as, "When did the pain begin?" or "which part of the back is the pain intense?".
Such easy-to-answer questions are important when responded to with accurate feedback. Understanding possible causes and perhaps treatments can be a good starting point for you to deal with the pain in your back or spine.
It’s advisable to prioritize health among other important aspects of life. In the event of booking an appointment with your physician, some common questions can run through your mind. Let’s look at some possible answers to them.
Question: Potentially, what mainly causes back pain?
Generally, there are many causes of back pain; it depends on a novel context. In some cases, it might be due to trauma. Perhaps in the event of a car accident or a fall from heights, can really lead to pain in your back.
Other possible cause of back pain could be body posture maybe when sitting down or lying on a flat or slanting surface; this can strain/sprain your back muscles.
Degenerative challenges which come along with aging, are also a possible cause of back pain.
Question: When is the opportune time to call a physician?
Depends on the situation you’re in. If it’s the first time you experience it and for some reason it gets persistent, contacting your doctor will be highly recommendable.
Question: Could there be exercises that can aid in relieving pain in the back?
This is not a closed-ended kind of a question; there’s no one ideal exercise that will cut across in different situations involving back pain. There are many exercises that a physician can recommend to you, after evaluating your condition.
It’s always advisable to seek medical attention in the instance of persistent back pain; this way, the physical therapist will prescribe to you the appropriate exercise.
Question: If there’s back pain does it always translate to a problem in the spine?
In some perspectives, back pain is a reflection of spinal problem. To end up with this conclusion, an evaluation by a physiotherapist is highly recommendable since some pain could be due to something else.
The spine is composed of ligaments, muscles, nerves, disks, and small bones called vertebrae. Its structure, naturally, is designed to absorb shock from the body weight as well as being subject to flexible movements. Wear and tear of the vertebrae lose size and fluids that aid flexible movements.
Possible friction between vertebrae will cause sort of an acute or mild pain depending on the situation.
Question: After being diagnosed with a herniated disk, is surgery perhaps the only way to go?
Spine surgery is not the only approach to treat herniated disk. Alternatively, through physiotherapy, the pain and spasms can be reduced significantly. This approach can even restore flexibility and movement gradually. As always, when the pain persists, spine surgery can be taken as the last option.
Question: Why will a physical therapist refer you to a psychotherapist?
At times body pain can cause psychological instability. When your physician observes or anticipates psychologically related issues like anxiety or depression, referral to a psychotherapist is of great importance. Mechanisms like relaxation will really help you to cope when the pain gets somehow chronic.
The physiotherapist will have to evaluate your progress with maybe exercises or other methods before prescribing to you any medication. He has to consider the side effects among other factors. This works best when committed to one reliable physician.
Question: Are there other remedies to back pain apart from surgery, physiotherapy, and medication?
There are a number of alternatives. You can choose acupuncture, herbal remedies, spinal stimulation, radiofrequency rhizotomy among many other remedies, with an advice from a reliable physiotherapist.
Meanwhile, it's indeed important to remember that health is a priority among priorities. The subject of time comes into perspective in the sense that, when first you encounter back pain, act promptly by seeking medical attention from an experienced and reliable physician.