Carbohydrates are an important part of your diet because your body uses them as its primary source for energy. In fact, the average healthy person needs to get around 40% of their calories from healthy carbs. In this article we’ll be providing you with the top 10 picks to help you fill up on healthy carbs without breaking the bank.


1 – Brown Rice


Average Cost Per ½ Cup Serving = $0.10

Healthy Carbohydrates Per ½ Cup Serving = 22.4g

Calories Per ½ Cup Serving = 108


Brown rice can be enjoyed with almost any hot meal and is surprisingly filling considering its relatively low calorie content. It contains a much higher concentration of fiber, vitamins and minerals than white rice and gives you 22.4g of carbohydrates in a half cup serving. Brown rice is also one of the most competitively priced healthy carbohydrate food sources around with a ½ cup serving costing only $0.10.


2 – Cabbage


Average Cost Per 1 Cup Serving = $0.13

Healthy Carbohydrates Per 1 Cup Serving = 5.2g

Calories Per 1 Cup Serving = 22


Cabbage is a light but nutritional healthy carbohydrate source. It contains 5.2g of healthy carbs per cup along with plenty of magnesium, manganese, potassium and vitamin C. In terms of cost, a single cup serving of this green vegetable works out at about $0.13.


3 – Carrots


Average Cost Per Medium Carrot = $0.14

Healthy Carbohydrates Per Medium Carrot = 5.9g

Calories Per 1 Cup Serving = 25


Carrots contain incredibly high levels of vitamin A – a nutrient which boosts your vision and keeps your eyes healthy. They’re a great snack when eaten on their own and can also be added to salads or hot meals. You can expect to pay around $0.14 for 1 medium carrot.


4 – Bananas


Average Cost Per Medium Banana = $0.16

Healthy Carbohydrates Per Medium Banana = 27g

Calories Per Medium Banana = 105


Bananas are a great pre or post workout snack since they’re loaded with easy to digest and fast acting carbs. 1 medium banana will give you up 27g of carbohydrates which will provide you with an instant and sustainable energy boost. Adding this fruit to your diet will also give your body a good supply of potassium and manganese which further enhance your energy levels. The best thing about bananas is that they are incredibly cheap with 1 medium banana costing around $0.16.


5 – Sweet Potatoes


Average Cost Per Sweet Potato = $0.23

Healthy Carbohydrates Per Sweet Potato = 23.7g

Calories Per Sweet Potato = 104


Sweet potatoes have become increasingly popular in recent years, largely because of their impressive nutritional profile and unique, sweet flavor. An average sweet potato will cost you $0.23 and supply you with 23.7g of healthy carbohydrates. It will also give you lots of beta carotene and contains only 104 calories.


6 – Whole Wheat Pasta


Average Cost Per 1 Cup Serving = $0.23

Healthy Carbohydrates Per 1 Cup Serving = 37.1g

Calories Per 1 Cup Serving = 174


Whole wheat pasta is filling, tasty and nutritious. Not only does it cost a very reasonable $0.23 per cup but it’s also incredibly versatile and can be used to make a range of hot or cold energy boosting meals.


7 – Spinach


Average Cost Per 1 Cup Serving = $0.26

Healthy Carbohydrates Per 1 Cup Serving = 1.1g

Calories Per 1 Cup Serving = 7


Spinach is one of the most nutritious greens money can buy with a single cup serving containing over 15% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for more than 20 different essential vitamins and minerals. It goes great with salads and also tastes very good boiled. Plus, it costs just $0.26 per 1 cup serving.


8 – Oats


Average Cost Per ½ Cup Serving = $0.31

Healthy Carbohydrates Per ½ Cup Serving = 51.7g

Calories Per ½ Cup Serving = 303


Oats cost around $0.31 for a ½ cup serving and are a brilliant healthy breakfast option when prepared as oatmeal. They can also be used to bake a range of tasty, nutritious snacks. Oats are a relatively concentrated source of healthy carbs with a ½ cup serving containing 51.7g of carbohydrates. This makes them a great choice if you want to fire up your energy levels for a few hours. In addition to the healthy carbs, oats also contain significant amounts of B vitamins and zinc which collectively regulate your energy levels, boost immune function, reduce stress levels and more.


9 – Apricots


Average Cost Per Apricot = $0.35

Healthy Carbohydrates Per Apricot = 3.9g

Calories Per Apricot = 17


Once only found in the Mediterranean region, this fruit is now gaining popularity across the world due to its nutritional benefits. Apricots are loaded with potassium as well as vitamin A and C. They also have plenty of dietary fiber that will keep you feeling full for a longer time. A single apricot contains about 3.9g of healthy carbohydrates and costs just $0.35.


10 – Dried Lentils


Average Cost Per 1 Cup Serving = $0.53

Healthy Carbohydrates Per 1 Cup Serving = 47.5g

Calories Per 1 Cup Serving = 274


Dried lentils are a great source of complex carbohydrates. They produce a low glycemic response and so are a brilliant option if you want a sustainable source of slow release energy. They also contain high levels of various B vitamins which help to further enhance your energy levels. While they’re not the cheapest option on this list, you can still enjoy a 1 cup serving of lentils for only $0.53.




If you’ve made excuses in the past that you can’t afford to eat healthy, now is the time to change. With the foods on this list, you can incorporate a wide range of healthy carbohydrates into your diet for less than $1. So go get started and provide your body with the healthy carbs it needs to stay energized each day.

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