Sometimes it seems pretty expensive trying to adopt a healthy diet when a fast food double cheeseburger sells for just $1 while a tiny 12 oz. bottle of liquid cod liver oil goes for as much as $7. Fortunately, it’s really not that costly to get great sources of healthy fat if you know what to buy. Here are 10 low cost healthy fat foods that will keep your weight and personal financial goals aligned.
1 – Peanut Butter
Average Cost Per 1 Tablespoon Serving = $0.08
Healthy Fats Per 1 Tablespoon Serving = 7.2g
Calories Per 1 Tablespoon Serving = 87
Peanut butter is sweet, satisfying and crunchy. It’s also packed full of healthy fats with a 1 tablespoon serving supplying you with 7.2g. Peanut butter costs $2.60 per lb on average which works out at just $0.08 per serving.
2 – Butter
Average Cost Per 1 Tablespoon Serving = $0.09
Healthy Fats Per 1 Tablespoon Serving = 12g
Calories Per 1 Tablespoon Serving = 106
Whether you love to cook it or spread it on bread, butter is an excellent source of fat with a single tablespoon serving containing about 12g of healthy fats. Despite the high fat content, several studies have proven that butter has no link to cardiovascular diseases and can even accelerate the rate at which your body burns fat. When you eat butter, you’re also loading your body with an abundance of vitamins A, D and E. Plus, it’s incredibly cheap with 1lb of butter costing around $2.85 which works out at just $0.09 per serving.
3 – Lard
Average Cost Per 1 Tablespoon Serving = $0.09
Healthy Fats Per 1 Tablespoon Serving = 14.8g
Calories Per 1 Tablespoon Serving = 133
Lard is a type of pig fat that has been used for cooking throughout the decades. While it has declined in popularity in recent years, lard is an amazingly cheap source of healthy fats. A 1 tablespoon serving will cost you around $0.09 and provide you with an impressive 14.8g of healthy fats. It will also give your foods a distinct, satisfying taste. Plus, it contains zero trans fats and so won’t have a detrimental effect on your health, unlike many processed fats.
4 – Eggs
Average Cost Per Large Egg = $0.16
Healthy Fats Per Large Egg = 4.9g
Calories Per Large Egg = 79
Eggs are best known for their high protein levels but they’re also a great source of minerals, vitamins and healthy fats. 1 large egg contains just under 5g of along with plenty of choline, and vitamins A, D and E. There are so many different ways you can enjoy eggs including hard boiled, poached, scrambled, soft boiled or as an omelet. The best part is that 1 large egg costs only $0.16, so you can enjoy their nutritional goodness no matter how tight your budget is.
5 – Whole Milk
Average Cost Per 1 Cup Serving = $0.16
Healthy Fats Per 1 Cup Serving = 7.9g
Calories Per 1 Cup Serving = 142
Whole milk is an excellent choice if you want to stay hydrated and top up your healthy fat levels. You can expect to pay around $2.99 per gallon of whole milk which equates to a competitive $0.16 per cup. This single cup serving will provide you with a notable 7.9g of healthy fats plus a mix of essential vitamins and minerals.
6 – Coconut Oil
Average Cost Per 1 Tablespoon Serving = $0.33
Healthy Fats Per 1 Tablespoon Serving = 14.8g
Calories Per 1 Tablespoon Serving = 127
Cooking with coconut oil is a much better choice than hydrogenated vegetable fats which contain harmful trans fats. A 1 tablespoon serving of coconut oil contains high levels of vitamin E and K. It can also help regulate your blood glucose levels, heal your skin and much more. At around $10 per 1lb, coconut oil is one of the more expensive entries on this list but this still works out at a reasonable $0.33 per serving.
7 – Cottage Cheese
Average Cost Per 4 oz. Serving = $0.39
Healthy Fats Per 4 oz. Serving = 4.8g
Calories Per 4 oz. Serving = 111
Many dieters and healthy eating devotees choose to eat cottage cheese for its nutritional value. A 4 oz. serving contains just 111 calories along with 4.8g of healthy fats and good amounts of calcium and protein. Not only is cottage cheese a great source of healthy fats but it also costs just $0.39 per serving.
8 – Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Average Cost Per 1 Tablespoon Serving = $0.65
Healthy Fats Per 1 Tablespoon Serving = 14.8g
Calories Per 1 Tablespoon Serving = 118
Extra virgin olive oil is constantly praised for its health boosting properties and has been linked with a reduced risk of cancer, heart disease and more. Many of these benefits can be attributed to its high monounsaturated fat content, with over 70% of the fat in this extra virgin olive oil being monounsaturated. While it’s one of the more costly options on this list, the average price per tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil works out at around $0.65 which is unlikely to break the bank.
9 – Ground Beef
Average Cost Per 4 oz. Serving = $1.05
Healthy Fats Per 4 oz. Serving = 8.9g
Calories Per 4 oz. Serving = 219
Ground beef is an extremely versatile source of healthy fats that can be used to make hundreds of different meals. A 4 oz. serving provides you with 8.9g of healthy fats and costs around $1.05. It also supplies you with lots of B vitamins, protein and selenium.
10 – Avocados
Average Cost Per Avocado = $1.30
Healthy Fats Per Avocado = 29.5g
Calories Per Avocado = 322
Avocados can enrich your diet with nearly 20 vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients and cost just over $1. A single avocado contains 29.5g of healthy fats and this includes 21g of monounsaturated fats.
Adding these 10 low cost healthy fat food sources to your diet will help you easily meet your daily dietary requirements for fatty acids without blowing your food budget. Each of the foods listed are incredibly versatile and can be collectively used to prepare almost any meal you imagine. So go stock up on these 10 foods today and start saving some money while enjoying all the goodness they have to offer.