When consumed in the right quantities, carbohydrates have numerous health benefits. However, consistently eating too many carbohydrates can negate these benefits and have a negative effect on your health. In this article I’m going to be discussing exactly how consuming too many carbohydrates damages your health by listing four of the main dangers of carbohydrate overdose.

Low carb diets such as the Atkins diet and the Paleo diet have become increasingly popular in recent years. However, while low carb diets can be highly beneficial to your health, many people reduce their carbohydrate consumption to dangerously low levels when following these diets. In this article I’m going to be looking at the risks of consuming limited amounts of carbohydrates and explaining how to follow low carb diets without suffering from them.

When it comes to eating healthy, most people don’t give alcohol a second thought. They change the actual foods they’re eating but continue drinking the same types and quantities of alcohol as they did before. However, alcoholic drinks often contain more calories and can be worse for you in terms of health than junk food. So if you really want to improve your overall health, you need to be factoring in your alcohol consumption. In this article I’m going to be helping you do exactly that and providing you with five top tips that will allow you to enjoy alcohol in moderation without it sabotaging your healthy lifestyle goals.


Carbohydrates often get criticized in health and fitness circles. But are they really that bad and deserving of the criticism they get? In this article I’ll be answering that question and more by providing you with a full overview of carbohydrates.

When it comes to tea and health, green tea often gets all the praise. However, all types of tea can benefit your body. This article will compare green tea to some of the other top teas.
