If you want to accelerate your fat loss efforts, cardiovascular exercises are an excellent choice. With the right cardio exercises you can blast through 100 calories in minutes and enjoy countless health benefits too. That’s why today I’m going to be highlighting five of the top calorie burning cardio exercises.

Bodyweight exercises are an excellent fat burning tool. They’re fun, intense, effective and require no equipment. Plus, if you pick the right bodyweight exercises, they’ll blast through calories at an impressive rate. Today I’m going to be listing five of the best calorie burning bodyweight exercises and showing you how they can be used to burn off 100 calories per day.


I’m sure you’re already well aware of the dangers of leading a sedentary lifestyle and know that you should exercise to live a healthy life. So, why do you always end up failing every time you resolve to get up and workout? Well, change is hard and starting out on a new fitness routine is tough. Due to these reasons, many people give up on exercising before they even reach the goals they set out to achieve. However, once you find the right source of motivation, getting fit and sticking to your fitness plans becomes a whole lot easier. In this post we’ll be discussing how you can find that motivation by listing five highly motivational reasons for being fit that will inspire you to keep exercising.

If you want to lose weight, exercise classes are an excellent choice. They’re fun, intense, efficient and by attending a class once or twice per week, you can easily blast through over 100 calories per day. In this article I’m going to be showing you how to do exactly that by listing five of the top calorie burning exercise classes.

People exercise for a wide range of reasons. They may want to recover mobility after an injury, tone up, shed extra weight, build muscle or maintain their current level of fitness. Regardless of your reasons for developing an exercise routine, you’ll require a lot of motivation to move from wanting to improve your fitness to actually taking the required action and achieving your fitness goals. But why is fitness motivation so important? In this article we’ll be answering that very question and explaining how fitness motivation can help you.