Over the course of a lifetime, eighty percent of us will suffer from back pain. And although we often treat it like something random and unexpected, the reality is that back pain usually comes from a lifestyle choice. Physical pain is our body's way of telling us that something is wrong, with the aim being for us to change our behavior so that the pain will go away. And back pain is no different: it is not an illness, it is a symptom! Which means most of us can avoid it if we work hard.
A lot of back pain advice focuses on lower back pain, because this is a more common form of pain which can usually be addressed quickly and easily. Lower back pain may be caused by poor posture, pregnancy, or arthritis, and there is a lot of research into ways of preventing and easing it. However upper back pain is not discussed as often, despite also affecting a very large number of people.
Some people with osteoporosis may be afraid of experiencing aches and pains as part of their condition. They may even put pre-existing pains down to osteoporosis. And although this may sometimes be the case, it is important to note that any back pain when you suffer from osteoporosis is a medical emergency.
It is true that many of the activities that you do every day can put a strain on your back. Things like sitting, standing, lifting, bending, carrying, twisting, and turning can all cause back pain. Even something as simple as sleeping in a bad position can cause you pain in your back.
Luckily, we have found some home remedies that are excellent for anyone suffering from aching or strained muscles in their back. However, if you are encountering any severe weakness, numbness, or pain you should consult your physician immediately.
Back pain is often seen as a structural problem related to an injury, a degenerative illness, or poor posture. And it is true that these are often the main causes of the pain itself. However sometimes we need to take a step further back and see what we are doing which may be contributing to our back pain, or making it worse than it needs to be. And often there is an element of diet which has not been considered.